Friday, April 17, 2009

Opinion in the Cyprus Weekly 6-12 March 2009

Time to Prepare for Reunification
By Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, former Minister of Foreign Affairs

What is needed, more than ever before, today that talks are under way to reunify the island, is a new approach towards our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, a reinforced rapprochement if you like, which should be carried out in a systematic and organized way. This new approach should aim at supporting the efforts of the leaders of the two communities for the solution of the Cyprus problem, but also at preparing the people and the society for the blessed day of reunification.

This preparation is urgently needed if, as we hope, we are to soon coexist and cooperate again within the same governmental, societal, economic and other structures and as citizens of a federal Cyprus, member of the EU. After nearly 35 years of separation it is not possible to achieve instantaneously such cooperation as it would be required for the effective functioning of a State with common institutions and economy and for the reunification of the people and the society.

This is why what is needed now, without waiting for the solution of the Cyprus problem to precede, is to look at these issues with steadfastness and determination, far from political or other expediencies and to initiate programs that would bring the two communities together. For this purpose, an “Organization for Reunification Projects” should be founded and be supported with contributions from the Cyprus Government, foundations, corporations, individuals, as well from countries and international organizations that wish to financially or otherwise support this effort.

As a start, I propose the following Reunification Projects:

1. Organize information programs in Greek and Turkish to explain the fundamentals of a federal system, through discussions, articles and lectures.
2. Living together and cooperating necessitates speaking and respecting each other’s language. Towards this end, Centers for the Teaching, free of charge, of the Greek and Turkish languages, should be established.
3. Launch an independent bicommunal TV channel which will be hosting discussions on issues of mutual interest or concern to both communities and presenting cultural, artistic, athletic and other forms of cooperation. Emphasis should be given to projects that promote the peaceful coexistence of the two communities.
4. Projects to bring closer GC and TC Youth and Women’s Organizations.
5. Projects of cooperation between elementary and secondary school pupils of both communities in the areas of art, music and sports.
6. Projects of cooperation in the medical field, e.g. through joint conferences and medical consultations.
7. Projects of cooperation on environmental issues, e.g.. recycling, tree-planting around the island, etc.
8. Projects of cooperation for charitable and other humanitarian purposes. The initiative of Mrs. Christofias and Mrs. Talat should be expanded to cover other categories of people in need.
9. Projects for strengthening cooperation between Trade Unions and Chambers of Commerce.

The above list is not exhaustive, but is provided as food for thought in the hope that we may soon be able to realize such projects and fulfill our vision for reunification.

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